Welcome to Your Inner Sanctuary
Learn to create and use your own Inner Sanctuary. An essential tool in any self hypnosis journey, this will give you the foundation for exploring your own inner world, connecting with your inner wisdom and amplifying the power of your subconscious mind to create the future you want.
Create Your Inner Sanctuary
The Inner Sanctuary is one of the most powerful and flexible tools I know of. The simplest use is for relaxation. It is a place where only good can enter and where you are always perfectly safe and at ease. Well beyond this, it can be used for anything from getting to sleep more quickly, to channeling messages from your deepest place of inner wisdom to creating a future that is more likely to come true when you see it here. Everything that you see in your sanctuary represents something to your unconscious mind and whatever you see, or experience or whoever comes is there because it means something to your mind. In this place, your inner knowing makes it easier to understand the messages your mind wants you to have.
The ‘Create Your Inner Sanctuary’ track will guide you through the process of creating it for the first time. Once you have it, it’s yours and you can visit it anytime. You can listen to it once to create your sanctuary or listen a few times as you establish the habit.
Allow about 15 minutes for this process and remember to turn of your phone and be in a place where you can be comfortable and uninterrupted.
Once you have created your "special place" (as my mother used to call it), visit often and play around with its uses.
​Just a few popular ways people like to use their sanctuary:
Create a theater where you project in detail the future that you want for yourself.
Have a special area where wise guides come to visit and answer questions you may have.
Create a sleeping room that you go to nightly to aid you in falling asleep.