Client Results
Chris G.
Presenting Problem:
Losing his temper
"I wanted to be present and connected. I didn’t know how to get it. There was always something there...
I couldn't figure out the source of where these emotions still kept coming from.”
"There were a lot of really big decisions in my business and in my life that needed to be made. And I felt really spun out, like I didn't have the trust in my own judgment."
Miki J.
Presenting Problem:
Difficulty leaving a company she built
Kavalya A.
Presenting Problem:
Procrastinating in her business
"I hit a real bottom in my emotional life and wasn't able to manage my work. I couldn't prioritize, say no, or speak up for myself."
"Growing up and living in a transforming South Africa as a black woman hasn’t been a comfortable or safe experience, and when I started I was hypervigilant and anxious."
Julia M.
Presenting Problem:
People pleasing to exhaustion
Miguel M.
Presenting Problem:
Procrastinating in his business
"I knew what I needed to do, but every time I tried, I got distracted and I didn’t know why."